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Programs Committee

Submitted by obot on
Gloria Mitchell
Carolyn Moulton
Pat Cote
Missy Quay
Virginia Mead
Sted Calvarese
Joanne Calvarese
Rachel Rogers Bohan

To manage and develop programs and activities that further the purpose of the Campgrounds, including worship opportunities, spiritual development, education, community-building and family enrichment.

  • Develop, recruit and facilitate relevant programing informed by the mission of and Long-term Strategic Plan for the Campgrounds, in collaboration with leadership of the Onset Congregation and the New England Mission Center.
  • Establish and maintain the summer season calendar of activities, coordinating with the Onset Congregation, the New England Mission Center and other 3rd parties who schedule activities on the Campgrounds (e.g., Reunion, retreats, Spiritual Life Center events, etc.).
  • Propose and coordinate the accomplishment of Campground summer activities that respond to the needs and interests of the entire community including arranging for organizers/staff (whale watch, movie nights, game nights, campfires, crafts, recreation, etc.); ensure program is well-marketed to everyone on campgrounds.
  • Hire and manage Summer Program Director, including creating or updating job description, recruitment, selection, training/orientation/setting clear expectations, supervision and post-program review.
  • Create application for grants from Carolyn Pratt Creative Arts Fund, oversee the approval process for grants, and coordinate with Treasurer regarding funding.
  • Identify Community of Christ (World Church) policies, OBOT policies, State laws, and federal, state and local regulations relevant to committee’s work to ensure compliance.
Cross Committee Collaborations
  • Ensure that the calendar is included in appropriate publications and posted on the Campgrounds website in coordination with the Communications Chair.
  • As needed, revise existing policies or draft new policies or procedures related to committee work in collaboration with Governance Committee